Comparative Economic Systems' Announcements
Review for Test #1
Review for Test #2
Review for Test #3
Russia 9/28: Jeremiah Mercado, Matteo Pintus, Delfina Vivian
China 10/3: James Lucht, Anthony Taylor
Czechia 10/10: Brandon Heath, Max Petty, Emma Rogers
Germany 11/14: Brandon Heath, James Lucht, Matteo Pintus, Delfina Vivian
Japan 11/16: Jeremiah Mercado, Max Petty, Emma Rogers, Anthony Taylor

12/5: I handed back the exam with a printout of your grades.  We went over how to read the document and calculate what you need to get each letter grade.  We then went over the exam.  Your paper is due Friday 10:00 AM.  I want electronic copies of your sources - not the link, but the actual document - turned in on Canvas and the paper turned in there too.  The paper version should be slid under my office door if I am not in. 
11/30: You took the test.  Next class, you will get it back with a printout of your grades.
11/28: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We also finished the material on Japan and went over the questions on the review sheet.  We determined the review session will be Wednesday at 4:30 on Zoom and in the classroom.  The exam is Thursday.  I explained why I want electronic versions of your sources for your paper.  The paper is due at the time the final is scheduled for, Friday 12/8 at 10:00.  I want both a hard copy and an electronic copy. 
11/21: You handed in Homework #10 and I handed out the review sheet for the exam on Thursday of next week.  We will set the time for the review session next week, when more of us are here.  We then finished covering Germany and covered much of the rest of Japan.  Have a good break.
11/16: We heard the presentation on Japan.  I handed back the homework and went over it.  Remember, Homework #10 is due next class.  If you are leaving for break early, turn it in before you leave.
11/14: We heard the presentation on Germany.  I then presented more on the USA.  You turned in Homework #9 and I handed out Homework #10.
11/9: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We then went over much of Chapter 11, USA.  Remember, Homework #9 is due next class and Germany will present.  Next Thursday, Japan will present.

11/7: You handed in Homework #8 and I handed out Homework #9.  We then finished Chapter 9 and started Chapter 11, USA.
11/2: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We then continued in Chapter 9.  Remember, Homework #8 is due next class.
10/31: I handed back the exam and went over it.  You handed in Homework #7 and I handed out Homework #8.
10/26: I handed out Homework #7It is due Tuesday.  We then finished Chapter 6 and started Chapter 9.
10/24: You took the exam.  Does that make you a thief?
10/19: We went over the questions on the review sheet.  Then we started Chapter 6 which will not be on the exam.  The review session will be Monday at 6:30 in the normal room and online.
10/12: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We also finished discussing Czechia.
10/10: We heard the presentation on Czechia and then discussed China.  You handed in the homework and I handed out the review sheet.  We set the time of the review session for Monday 10/23 at 6:30 PM.
10/5: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We then finished discussing Russia and continued discussing China.  On Tuesday, you have Homework #6 due and we will hear the presentation on Czechia.
10/3: We heard the presentation on China.  You handed in Homework #5 and I handed out Homework #6.  We also heard more about Russia.
9/28: We heard the presentation on Russia/Soviet Union.  Then, I handed back the homework and went over it. We continued discussing Russia.  Remember the China presentation is Tuesday and needs to be turned in on Canvas prior to class.  Also, Homework #5 is due next class.
9/26: We finished Chapter 16.  You handed in Homework #4.  I handed out Homework #5.  Those students presenting Russia need to turn in a PowerPoint file on Canvas before class starts on Thursday.  The students presenting China will need to turn their PowerPoint in on Canvas before class next Tuesday.
9/21: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We then finished Chapter 7 and started Chapter 16.  Remember, Homework #4 is due next class and the Russian presentation is a week from today. Do not do Question #3 on the homework.

9/19: I handed back the exam and went over it.  You handed in Homework #3 and I handed out Homework #4.
9/14: I handed out Homework #3, which is due Tuesday.  We then went over much of Chapter 7.
9/12: You took the exam.  Does that make you a thief? 

9/7: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We also went over the review sheet questions and the rest of Chapter 5.  The review session for Tuesday's Exam is Monday 4:00.  There will be a speaker on Tuesday 11:00, probably in the Academic Parlour.  He will be talking about the use of fiat money in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.  It is sponsored by the Economics Club.
9/5: You handed in Homework #2 and I handed out the review sheet for the exam.  We set the time for the review session as Monday at 4:00.  We then covered most of Chapter 5.
8/31: I handed back the homework and went over it.  We then finished Chapter 3.  Remember, Homework #2 is due next class.
8/29: You handed in Homework #1 and I handed out Homework #2.  We then finished Chapter 2 and started Chapter 3.
8/24: We did almost all of Chapter 2.  Remember, Homework #1 is due next class.
2023/8/22:  I handed out the syllabus and first homework assignment. The homework assignment is due Tuesday.  We then went over Chapter 1.  The textbook is on reserve in the library.

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