Senior Seminar's
9/12: You did a current event and handed
in Homework. I handed out Homework #5. We then did the Von
Stackelberg Model.
9/10: I handed back the homework and went
over it. We then did Cournot Model. See Help Sheet #4 - 6.
Remember there is a Current Event and a homework due next class.
9/5: You handed in homework and did a
current event. We then saw how to find total cost curves by
using Lagrangians. I handed out Homework #4.
9/3: I handed back the homework and went
over it. We then looked at transformations of functions before
doing a Lagrangian. We started looking determining cost
functions. You turned in your Senior Project proposal
forms. Remember, Homework
#3 is due next class as is a Current Event.
8/29: You handed in Homework #2 and I
handed out Homework #3.
We also did current events. We then looked at what makes a
valid utility function.
8/27: I handed back the homework and went
over it. We then covered more Lagrangians. Remember, Homework #2 and
Current Event #2 are both due Thursday.
8/22:We heard one of the current
events. (The other one was not heard because of technical
problems.) You handed in the homework and I handed out Homework #2. We
then continued looking at Lagrangians. The missing current
event will be presented tomorrow starting at 2:45 on ECON 350's
2024/8/20: I handed out the syllabus and first homework assignment.
We started Langrangians